Thursday, July 19, 2012

Grammar Nazi's Are Annoying.

People overlook the actual point you are trying to make just because you make a typo. I've been told its for my "helps" me...but look..if you go out of your way to correct me and not even listen to what I'm saying when I'm making a sincere point and I'm not willfully being ignorant; then your just an ass.

i have no problem admitting that my grammar isn't the best it can be, but in very many instances, yes...they are ignoring the point. prove that they dont and ill change my opinion.

hell, i can understand correcting misconceptions or misunderstandings when it comes to the way you actually express your view..but when it comes to simple mistakes...fixing it doesn't add anything to the conversation.

do you get some sort of ego boost when you correct others for such minor mistakes? it might seem helpful to you, but to others you just come off as a pretentious snob.

minor mistakes happen; if its from a simple typing error, or a misuse of a word, should know how to use words, but if its not something that you cant figure out form the context clues, or if i used the word effect instead of affect...then then is when i can see correcting someone.

for simple words that are so often misused, really it just means that you have a certain pet peeve that you feel obligates you to be pretentious.

If I thought most pages on the internet were the appropriate forum for perfect grammar then I'd be more careful about my writing.


  1. You call us Grammar Nazis, we call you Errorists, and Errorists' excuses for the errors of their ways are just as annoying.

    Understand that folks with good grammar aren't "ignoring" your point when you display spelling/grammar deficiencies all over them; to us, spelling/grammar mistakes DISTRACT from what could have been more eloquently stated. If you fill your comments with double negatives, word usage errors (like the all-too common use of "your," instead of "you're," like you did above) to us, it's like listening to a band play but the piano is off key.

    To us, Errorists don't seem to understand that a conversation is a two-way arrangement. We take the time to use correct English, as to not sound like idiots, and to make it easier for YOU to understand the point we're trying to make. We don't just throw words together, then put the responsibility on YOU to understand what we really meant. To us, it seems that Errorists are not interested in dialogue, but merely expressing. (Errorists are like one-way broadcast towers; they transmit, but don't receive very well.)

    The other issue we have with Errorists is are the classic excuses for bad grammar.

    "This isn't school."
    "I just come here to relax."

    And yours:

    "If I thought most pages on the internet were the appropriate forum for perfect grammar then I'd be more careful about my writing."

    So let us understand: Errorists have designated places to DELIBERATELY practice poor writing? Or that proper writing requires so much effort that improper, raggedy grammar/spelling/punctuation is a form of "relaxation?"

    These predictable defenses/excuses are fascinating, since I have never, EVER seen a person who CAN write/spell properly ever deliberately NOT do so under ANY circumstances.

    The only real reason an Errorist would write, "Grammar Nazi's Are Annoying," is because their need to be relaxed and happy with a one-way conversation prevents them from seeing that you NEVER use an apostrophe to make a word plural.

  2. You call us Grammar Nazis, we call you Errorists, and Errorists' excuses for the errors of their ways are just as annoying.

    Understand that folks with good grammar aren't "ignoring" your point when you display spelling/grammar deficiencies all over them; to us, spelling/grammar mistakes DISTRACT from what could have been more eloquently stated. If you fill your comments with double negatives, word usage errors (like the all-too common use of "your," instead of "you're," like you did above) to us, it's like listening to a band play but the piano is off key.

    To us, Errorists don't seem to understand that a conversation is a two-way arrangement. We take the time to use correct English, as to not sound like idiots, and to make it easier for YOU to understand the point we're trying to make. We don't just throw words together, then put the responsibility on YOU to understand what we really meant. To us, it seems that Errorists are not interested in dialogue, but merely expressing. (Errorists are like one-way broadcast towers; they transmit, but don't receive very well.)

    The other issue we have with Errorists is are the classic excuses for bad grammar.

    "This isn't school."
    "I just come here to relax."

    And yours:

    "If I thought most pages on the internet were the appropriate forum for perfect grammar then I'd be more careful about my writing."

    So let us understand: Errorists have designated places to DELIBERATELY practice poor writing? Or that proper writing requires so much effort that improper, raggedy grammar/spelling/punctuation is a form of "relaxation?"

    These predictable defenses/excuses are fascinating, since I have never, EVER seen a person who CAN write/spell properly ever deliberately NOT do so under ANY circumstances.

    The only real reason an Errorist would write, "Grammar Nazi's Are Annoying," is because their need to be relaxed and happy with a one-way conversation prevents them from seeing that you NEVER use an apostrophe to make a word plural.

  3. You call us Grammar Nazis, we call you Errorists, and Errorists' excuses for the errors of their ways are just as annoying.

    Understand that folks with good grammar aren't "ignoring" your point when you display spelling/grammar deficiencies all over them; to us, spelling/grammar mistakes DISTRACT from what could have been more eloquently stated. If you fill your comments with double negatives, word usage errors (like the all-too common use of "your," instead of "you're," like you did above) to us, it's like listening to a band play but the piano is off key.

    To us, Errorists don't seem to understand that a conversation is a two-way arrangement. We take the time to use correct English, as to not sound like idiots, and to make it easier for YOU to understand the point we're trying to make. We don't just throw words together, then put the responsibility on YOU to understand what we really meant. To us, it seems that Errorists are not interested in dialogue, but merely expressing. (Errorists are like one-way broadcast towers; they transmit, but don't receive very well.)

    The other issue we have with Errorists is are the classic excuses for bad grammar.

    "This isn't school."
    "I just come here to relax."

    And yours:

    "If I thought most pages on the internet were the appropriate forum for perfect grammar then I'd be more careful about my writing."

    So let us understand: Errorists have designated places to DELIBERATELY practice poor writing? Or that proper writing requires so much effort that improper, raggedy grammar/spelling/punctuation is a form of "relaxation?"

    These predictable defenses/excuses are fascinating, since I have never, EVER seen a person who CAN write/spell properly ever deliberately NOT do so under ANY circumstances.

    The only real reason an Errorist would write, "Grammar Nazi's Are Annoying," is because their need to be relaxed and happy with a one-way conversation prevents them from seeing that you NEVER use an apostrophe to make a word plural.

  4. Its called being OCD, and yes, its annoying.


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